Valentina Nieto is a life passionate artist who has dedicated her work to biodiversity conservation. Having a BSc in Biology from the National University of Colombia, she has used art to create a bridge between science and society for nature conservancy. Through her art, she seeks to hand some of her devotion to life and science and invites to recognize the delicate balance of nature and the human active role in it. 

She has worked in more than 30 science-artistic programs all across America documenting wildlife and its importance in natural and cultural environments. Within her most recent collaborations, it’s the plain lands fauna series of paintings for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). In 2021, she painted an entire collection for The Museum of Gold, one of the biggest museums in the country, showing the relationship between nature and ancient indigenous peoples. She is a leading member in conservation initiatives along the Caribbean and Pacific coast in Colombia using art to bring science onto local communities for empowering the conservation movement.